Hello. Like everyone else on the internet, I have a lot of opinions and I absolutely need to share them with the entire world.
1. How [it started]
A month ago i read an article on the new September Vogue cover and didn’t like it. I thought: I wish someone would write what I would like to read. so I spent a week writing down possible titles for articles I would like to read and I ended up with 131 of them. I may not write all of 131, but if I manage to write 63% of them, that’d be a whooping 82.53 articles –and that sure sounds impressive.
2. Who [cares]
Worse case scenario, nobody. But at least I get to read what I would like to read.
3. What [about]
Retouching metaphysics. Senseless consumerism. Late stage dystopias. Weird christianity. The internet. Art and culture for uncultured people. Plus something else I haven’t been able to categorise yet.
4. When
Every week –or at least this is what I would like to think, immediately keeping the stakes unnecessarily high for absolutely no reason. OK, perhaps every ten days.
5. Where
Well, you guessed it. Here.
6. Why
Thinking about things and writing about them is completely different. When I think, I don’t need to elaborate too much. Thoughts can be recurring, verbose, confusing. When I write, on the other hand, I need to research, prove, cut down to the essential and explain everything and make it entertaining. So in a sense, I guess I write in order to tidy up my mind.
How unfirendly it is going to be?